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Join date: Jul 8, 2020


Michy E. Morillo is a queen dreamer, author, and life coach. She inspires and equips youth and adults to look forward and embrace change.

Her message is clear: Freedom starts from within.

Michy exudes positive energy and brings her full self to every session she facilitates. Her book, Cell Dreamer serves as a resource for youth throughout the United States. Adults have also expressed the positive impact that the eight themes within Cell Dreamer has in their lives. Michy is a highly sought after speaker, presenter, and coach. Her personal story demonstrates success is not only about receiving resources and support; but also about being resourceful and creative in difficult situations. Her success in beating the odds is much about an inner conviction to charge ahead, in spite of challenges and critics. Michy’s entrepreneurial spirit and philanthropy are also inspiring. She is committed to ensuring every person with whom she meets, is inspired and equipped to be their best selves.

Coach Michy

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